An interesting concept for a cafe
I recently read an interesting article by Cabel Maxfield Sasser ( about a cafe in Japan. The idea behind the cafe is you order for the next person and you receive what the person before you bought so you get a surprise for your meal/snack.
I like the idea and would like to try it out but I would be worried about going there regularly because I am a very picky eater. It would help if they served a lot of food that I liked. One thing that would suck would be to find something that they served that you really like and not be able to order it and know you were going to get it.
What if you tried to game the system by having “strangers”, i.e., people you know, but pretend you don’t know, order in front of you? It looks like they’re sort of prepared for this, but it would be fun to try. How about we open our own cafe here? We have no experience with food service, running a business, or anything actually related to this concept, but it sounds fun, right???
Andy, if you opened a cafe, I promise I would fly back to Austin specifically to patronize it. I wouldn’t even care who ordered for me.