Memorial Day weekend my housemate, David Wogan, and I went to Houston for ComicPalooza (a smaller ComicCon) and to visit our friend David Agu. I got an autograph from George Takei (Star Trek, Heroes) and Rachel Luttrell (Stargate Atlantis). I also got pictures taken with Kevin Sorbo (Hercules) and Christopher Judge (Stagate SG-1).

Houston drivers are crazy. In the first twenty-four hours in Houston, my friends and I saw two accidents occur and the aftermath of a third. We also almost got hit once and saw a lot of reckless driving. We spent more than 30 minutes trying to find a parking space in the Houston Galleria parking garage. At one point a woman threw some stuff in her trunk and got in her car so we thought she was leaving. We sat in our car for 10 minutes waiting for her to leave. She end up getting back out of her car and going back into the mall. She apparently left something inside since another car was in her spot when we came back around after having left in frustration.